North West Parents & Friends Association


See below details of our A.G.M.’s

At our Annual General Meeting of North West Parents and Friends Association of Persons with an Intellectual Disability held on 24th October 2023 the Following Officers and Directors were elected.

Chairperson: Margaret Casserly

Vice Chairperson: John Morrison

Company Secretary: Barbara Hogge

Treasurer: Enda Mulligan

Directors: Gladys Guckian, Marcella Murray , Siobhan Finnegan-McElgunn, Barbara Hogge, Kathleen Harte and Rosaleen Rush.

Annual report

Financial statements for the year ended 31st December 2022

At our Annual General Meeting of North West Parents and Friends Association of Persons with an Intellectual Disability held on Wednesday 5th October, 2022 the following Officers and Directors were elected.

Chairperson:  Margaret Casserly

Vice Chairperson:  John Morrison

Company Secretary: Barbara Hogge

Treasurer:  Enda Mulligan

Directors:  Gladys Guckian, Marcella Murray, Siobhan Finnegan-McElgunn, Barbara Hogge,  Kathleen Harte and Rosaleen Rushe.

Annual Report 2021

financial statements for the year ended 31st December 2021

NW Parents and Friends annual report

Dr. Nigel McCarley presenting Michael James Thornton with the Annual Report for 2021.  Michael designed the front cover for the Report

At our Annual General Meeting of North West Parents and Friends Association of Persons with an Intellectual Disability held on Tuesday 5th October, 2021 the following Officers and Directors were elected.

Chairperson:    Margaret Casserly

Vice Chairperson:  John Morrison

Secretary/Manager:  Evelyn Carroll

Treasurer:  Enda Mulligan

Directors:  Gladys Guckian, Marcella Murray, Siobhan Finnegan-McElgunn, Barbara Hogge, Enda Lannon and Kathleen Harte

Annual Report 2020

Financial Statements year ended 31st December 2020 

Child Safeguarding Statement

Under the Children First Act 2015, all organisations working with children and families and which are classed as ‘relevant services’, must have a Child Safeguarding Statement in place by 11th March, 2018.  The safety, welfare and development of children are a core objective and a key priority for North West Parents and Friends Organisation.

Holy Family Preschool has published its Safeguarding Statement.  Our service is committed to the implementation of this statement and the accompanying child safeguarding policies and procedures that support our intention to keep children safe from harm while availing of our service.  The statement will be reviewed every 2 years or as soon as practicable after there has been a material change to any matter in which the statement refers.

The statement has been provided to all staff, volunteers, students and any other persons involved with the service.  It is readily accessible to parents and guardian on request.  A copy of this statement will be made available to Tusla if requested.