Sunbeam Lodge Community Group Home is a bungalow situated on the grounds of St. Ciaran’s Services Summerhill, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim. This house was opened in 2005. It provides full time accommodation to adults with a moderate to profound intellectual disability.
The house facilitates male and female Service Users. All referrals to Sunbeam Lodge must be over 18 years of age and referrals are made through the HSE Adult Referral Process.
Sunbeam Lodge is a three bedroomed bungalow with a sitting room, dining room and small kitchen. It has a large car park to the front and an enclosed garden to the side. There is also a small green area to the rear of the property. It has a wheelchair accessible wet room. Each Service User has their own bedroom. Telephone and internet access are provided.
Service Users have access to local Services such as GP, Pharmacy Services, Physio, OT, Speech & Language, Dietician, Chiropodist and M.H.I.D. team. Any other Services required can be sourced.
In January 2021 a Service User who had attended shared care moved to Sunbeam Lodge on a permanent basis. Sunbeam Lodge now accommodates 3 service users.
In December 2022 a new wheelchair accessible bus was purchased by the Service in order to accommodate community participation for our Service Users.