North West Parents & Friends Association

Our RSW Day Services

RSW Day Service is situated in Cleveragh Industrial Estate Sligo. This day service runs from Monday to Friday. RSW provides a range of educational, social, recreational and personal development programmes. We offer a person-centred approach, in line with the New Directions model, which caters for the individual’s personal choices and preferences. We currently support 36 service users in RSW.

Our main aim is to provide opportunities for our service users to engage and access community services, through further education, training, and community education classes, and therefore promote community integration.

We work in collaboration with our stakeholders which includes MSLETB, Sligo Leader, ATU Sligo, I.L.M.I, Inclusion Ireland Active Retirement Association, S.S.R.P. and HSE.

Some examples of classes are as follows:


We have developed a programme in consultation with the 1st and 4th year Social Care Department, ATU Sligo. This involves our service users/self-advocate’s delivering modules to the students in relation to the following:

  • Person Centred Planning.
  • New Directions.
  • Positive Risk Taking.
  • Self-Advocacy.

This has been mutually beneficial for both our service users and also for the social care students, as they receive the personal experience and knowledge from the service users/self-advocates firsthand. It has also enhanced their self-confidence and self-esteem and belief in themselves. These programmes are run bi-annually in the I.T, and during Covid they are delivered virtually.


E.T.B. modules:

These modules are run and delivered by E.T.B tutor in R.S.W and during Covid, they are delivered online. The modules are all QQI certified. The current modules include:

  • Stress management. 
  • Nutrition and healthy Lifestyle.


Our service users have enjoyed participating in the introductory tablet classes and social inclusion classes provided by the ILMI tutors.

We have enjoyed a great working relationship with Sligo Leader over the years and the programmes and classes provided include the following:

  • Art and Craft Classes.
  • Creative writing.
  • Art classes with Eamonn Dowdican, resulting in an art exhibition.
  • Bird watching.
  • Training.
  • And assistance in relation to forming alliance with other community groups.

Inclusion Ireland:

We also work in collaboration with Inclusion Ireland in relation to involvement in Community issues, and participation in workshops with regard to disability issues and research. We have our own advocacy committee established in RSW and link in with the local North West advocacy committee and the National advocacy committee. Our service users particularly enjoy the regular workshops, e.g., public speaking, formation and responsibilities of committee members, how to run meetings, etc.


Sun Shine Club:

This club was established in 2012 in RSW, specifically for the older members of our service. We have opened the membership to other service providers in the Sligo area, to include RehabCare, Ballytivnan Training Centre and Resource centre Ballytivnan. We are affiliated to the active retirement Assoc Ireland, and work closely with Sligo Leader with regard to the various activities and classes. We have established a committee and currently have 20 members. We also are partnered with Calry Active Retirement Assoc. The range of activities are identified by the members and include, social outings, weekly coffee mornings, Tai-Chi, chair aerobics, walking groups, art and craft classes, health promotion talks and reminiscence therapy.


Social and recreational partnerships:  

We also work in collaboration with our local S.S.R.P, to provide a range of social and recreational activities, which includes Boccia, Basketball, Chair aerobics and Yoga. We also participate in an annual boccia and basketball blitz, involving all the service providers in the North West.

Some of our service users are also members of the local library, Men’s shed and other various community groups.

All the above classes and programmes are available to all service users. Through the person-centred plan and in consultation with their key worker, the individuals choose their preference and an individual time table is devised, which may include other ideas that are not listed and will be explored with the individual and their key worker and an action plan will be formulated. Individual P.C.P’s may include independent skills training, e.g how to make a snack for themselves, money management or personal shopping. The keyworkers and the individuals meet regularly to discuss their plan and evaluate it. Service users have developed their own communication book via an app called CANVA, which highlights pictures of what they have done during the week, and bring this home to share with their family.

We also work with the MDT HSE in relation to individuals who may have additional medical and care needs that require an input from the Multi-Disciplinary Team.

We hold annual review meetings with our service users and their families, which plays an integral part of our planning and development of services. This allows our service users an opportunity to discuss their Person-Centred Plan, with all concerned and celebrate their achievements and highlight any difficulties that they are experiencing.

Example of some of the classes in RSW:

Service users who completed their introductory module in basic computers, receiving their certificates from ilmi.

Jim taking a few snaps for his photography portfolio, for his course with Sligo Leader.

Michele taking part in her art and craft class with the bloom project. A series of workshops, which concentrates on using nature for expression.

Pottery classes on line with tutor Tom Callery from Breeogue pottery.

Frankie partaking in his accredited QQI communication module , with ETB tutor Cathy Brennan, via Zoom.

Noel demonstrating the covid stories that all service users have developed. To enhance IPC measures. Service users also produced a short film on covid, which the HSE and Sligo Leader have adopted on their websites.

Michele receiving her free tablet from I.L.M.I. in order to participate in her tablet class and social inclusion class during covid.

Olivia taking part in ETB communication class virtually.

Michele with her book that she produced from her creative writing class.

Marie taking part in her social inclusion class virtually.

Noel with his watercolour he painted in his art class with Eamonn on line. His picture was included in an art exhibition.

Noel demonstrating the 12 supports of new directions, which we use in RSW.

Contact us

Postal address

Cleveragh Industrial Estate,
Doorly Park Road, Sligo
Postcode: F91 P29X

Phone number

071 914 3358

Email address

Opening Hours

9:00am - 3:00pm
Monday to Thursday

9:00am - 1:00 pm


Florence McLaughlin