Thornvilla Community Group Home is a two storey house situated on the Strandhill Road and is home to 5 service users on a full time basis. This house was opened in 1971. The service user’s function within the moderate range of intellectual disability with a dual diagnosis in relation to their mental health and complex medical needs.
There are currently 2 female and 3 male service users living at Thornvilla Community Group Home. All referrals must be over 18 years of age and our residents are in the age bracket from mid fifties to mid seventies.
Facilities Provided
Thornvilla is a 6 bedroomed 2 storey house. It has a large garden to the side together with off road parking. It has a wheelchair accessible downstairs wet room. Each Service User has their own bedroom which is appropriately decorated. . Telephone and internet access is provided. Company transport is provided to facilitate appointments, outings, shopping etc.,