North West Parents & Friends Association

International Quality Award

IQ Progression

Picture – Dr Nigel McCarley (CEO) and Ms Hazel Clarke (Operations Officer) receive the IQ Progression certificate.

North West Parents and Friends Association is delighted to receive the external quality accreditation certificate from IQ Improving Quality at the Progression level, the highest standard of quality assessment and compliance. (We have previously held IQ Accreditation at the Foundation level).

IQ Improving Quality is a UK based Quality Assurance organisation that has developed a Quality Assurance audit process designed specifically for our type of services. The Quality Accreditation tool comprises four elements ie Accountable; Welcoming; Effective and Sustainable. In total, 35 quality standards have to be met and our performance against these standards was assessed both by desk-top analysis of supporting evidence and a follow up two day assessment visit to our facilities. The on-site assessment was coordinated by Ms Hazel Clarke (Operations Officer).

The visit allowed the assessor (Mr Graham Baker) to view our facilities; observe service provision and interview a number of staff. Interviews were carried out with the Ms Margaret Casserly (Chairperson of the Board), Dr Nigel McCarley (Chief Executive Officer), senior administrative staff and a number of staff that deliver our service on a daily basis.

This is a major (public) endorsement of the quality of services that our staff deliver across all our facilities. North West Parents and Friends are the first organisation in Ireland to have been accredited at the highest level and all staff should be proud to be part of this achievement.

My congratulations and sincere thanks to all.

Dr Nigel McCarley

Chief Executive Officer

North West Parents and Friends Association.


18th July 2023